Read to the end of the post as there is a drawing with this tour.

Today we have some interview questions for our author Lisa Wingate
1. How did you develop the initial story idea/plot line for this book?
Some book ideas you search for, and some just blow in on the wind. For the past several years, dating back to Hurricane Katrina, we in Central Texas have been the recipients of massive hurricane evacuations. These massive exoduses of people, pets, and belongings are frightening, frustrating, challenging, and at times oddly wonderful. When so many are on the road seeking shelter, the worst, but also the best qualities of humanity come to the surface. Hurricane evacuations truly provide times when we ask the question, "Am I my brother’s keeper?" In answering that question, we’ve enjoyed amazing moments of friendship and fellowship, family reunions, and chances to share a food and space with strangers from other parts of the country. We’ve traded stories and recipies, laughter and tears.
One thing we’ve learned about hurricanes, living here, is that the paths are never predictable. Storms waver, hesitate, speed up, slow down, and sometimes change course unexpectedly. Evacuations needs can change and develop quickly. What better way for the beauty shop girls to find their inner strength and to show Daily hospitality, than for their cruise plans to land them smack in the middle of a sudden and chaotic hurricane evacuation?
2. Almost every author puts a little of themselves into their stories—what did you put of yourself into this one? (personality traits, life events/jobs, settings, characters based on people you know, likes/dislikes, etc.)
There’s a bit of me in the setting, of course. I love Texas, in all its variety of cultures and landscapes, but, living in a small town, I have a particular affection for little bergs like Daily, where the coffee’s always hot, and a good slide of pecan pie can cure most ills. Having watched our little town mobilize to take in hurricane evacuees several times now, I’ve been reminded that sometimes the worst things that can happen bring out the best in people. Given the opportunity and faced with the need, regular people can rise to the occasion in amazing ways, as do the citizens of Daily in the book.
Some members of the Wingate family might also claim to recognize themselves among the citizens of Daily, Texas. I would offer the disclaimer that any resemblances are completely unintentional, but that would be a bald-faced lie. When you come from a family of great storytellers and colorful characters, there’s nothing to do but make use of what you’ve got.
3. Did you encounter any interesting challenges while writing/researching for this book? Please explain if so.
The most difficult part of working on Never Say Never was researching and reliving the devastation left behind on the Texas gulf coast last year after Hurricane Ike. While interviewing family members about their experiences during the evacuation and return, we shared laughter and quite a few tears. For those who have lived in southeast Texas all their lives, talking about familiar landmarks, heirlooms, and old family places that were washed away forever, knowing some things will never be the same, is both difficult and devastating. For those of us who have so many memories of family gatherings and vacations there, it’s hard to believe we’ll never visit the old places again.
4. Why is this book/story relevant today?
Despite our best-laid plans, we all experience storms in life—whether those storms be of a weather-related nature, or due to an illness, death, or in recent months, job loss and financial misfortune. When the parameters of life and our ability to control fate suddenly change, we’re confronted with our own helplessness and need to rely on other people and God. In a culture that values independence and self-sufficiency, it’s important to remember that we all have a common need and a common responsibility for each other and that without faith we really are alone in the storm.

How to Talk Texan
Road Trip Tutorial
A couple dozen phrases that'll keep you from lookin' like you don't know gee from haw. You can hang your hat on it!
Hey, y’all!
If you’re planning a road trip across Texas, well, my friend, you’d better get your trottin’ harness on, I’ll tell you that right now.
This state’s wider than a woodcutter’s pile. You’ll be so busy here, you’ll think you’re twins. You might even meet yourself comin’ and goin’ or travel so fast you’ll catch up to yesterday.
One thing’s for sure--there won’t be any grass growin’ under your feet, especially if it’s summer, because it’ll be hot as a nanny goat in a pepper patch. Don’t let that trouble your mind, though.
Seeing the whole state might seem about as easy as tryin’ to saddle up house flies or put socks on the rooster, but here’re a few phrases that’ll make your trip just as smooth as a calf’s ear. You’ll find this little bit of Texan talk just as handy as a pocket on a shirt. With these phrases, you’ll be right at home in jig time, and happy as a pig in sunshine, I promise.
Folks’ll think you’re just as fine as frog hair split four ways. Why, you might even find yourself a Texas gal who’s cute as a bug’s ear or a fella who catches your eye like a tin roof at noonday. Even if you don’t find love here, you’ll run across lots of folks who’re so friendly, they’ll add a cup of water to the soup and tell you to get your sittin’ britches on.
Some of them might be full of wind as a corn-eatin’ horse, but you’ll be welcome ‘till whenever you figure it’s time to put the chairs in the wagon and turkey-tail it toward home.
When you do, we’ll keep a light on and a hitch out for ya, just in case you miss us like a west Texas farmer misses rain. You’re welcome to darken our door any old time. Long as we got a biscuit, my friend, you got half, and if that ain’t a fact, well, then I’m hip high to a horned toad.
Y’all come back now, y’hear!
--Lisa Wingate (and the REST of the folks in Daily, Texas, too!)
For stories with Texas flavor
and fun, come see us at

Donetta and Imagene's Texas Road Trip Basket (approximate total value over $150)
Take a Texas road trip, without ever leaving home!
The Daily Texas Series by Lisa Wingate:
The Daily Texas Series by Lisa Wingate:
Talk Of the Town
Word Gets Around
Never Say Never
The Blue Sky Hills Series by Lisa Wingate:
The Blue Sky Hills Series by Lisa Wingate:
A Month of Summer
The Summer
Beyond Summer (a special advance copy not available in stores until July 2010)
Road Trip Snacks (Straight from Texas, of course!)
Wrap it all up with a fuzzy, fleecy Texas throw blanket for those cold nights on the road (or curled up with your books!)
Road Trip Snacks (Straight from Texas, of course!)
Wrap it all up with a fuzzy, fleecy Texas throw blanket for those cold nights on the road (or curled up with your books!)
How to enter for the grand prize drawing: Leave a comment telling me if there was ever a time in your life when you said NEVER and ended up doing what you said NEVER? Grand drawing is open til Feb. 18th. Please leave a comment par rule above plus an e-mail address for contact purposes. US residents only please.
Extra bonus if you do above comment + leave a second comment telling me something you've never done before.

Hi, Lisa! Thank you for your gentle reminder about the "storms of life". A great post! Love that "Texas Talk" : )
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Something that I've never done is learn to drive a "stick shift". My grandfather taught me to drive in his 1963 Chrysler Newport. That was a great car. It had a push-button transmission! The buttons were on the far left of the dashboard. The steering wheel was almost square! When I got in the driver's ed car at school, I knew I was in big trouble...the gear shifter was on the column of the round steering wheel!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Ok here we go again, I have been following Virginia Smith's contest so now I am following this one.
Please enter me
I follow you on my blog
somthing I have never done before is fly in an airplane, will be 67 tomorrow and I don't plan to ever fly, until Jesus comes to take me home then I will fly in his everlasting arms. What A Day that will be, make me want to have church sitting right here.
I'm with ya Edna. I'm practicing my fight take off. Love those old hymns. The have such good messages for the soul.
Thanks for being a faithful follower of my blog.
I don't think there has been anything that I said I would never do and ended up doing. Not yet, at least:)
Please enter me in this giveaway. I would love to read this book!! Thanks so much!!
And something I have never done before but would love to... is go on a cruise:)
Ok Charity. I'm with you. I've never been on a cruise before either. I want my hubby to take me on one next January for our 25th wedding anniversary. But I think it's a dreams only never to happen in real life. Thanks for reading my blog
I think there are lots of things I said I would never do that I've done as a mom. For instance I was never going to stay in my pajamas all day and I was never going to park my kids in front of the TV just so I could get a shower. All sorts of small promises we make to ourselves, but there are the rare occasions when the standards do go out the window.
julesreffner (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the Texas lingo! I'm surprised at how many are familiar from growing up in the north GA mountains.
Something that I said I'd never do is go to a Bible college. I was following my own agenda at the time, but God continued to close doors so Bible college is where I ended up - and I loved every minute of those four years.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
"Something I've never done before" goes back to those same Bible college years. Our college choir did some sightseeing while on a spring tour and we stopped at some kind of tourist show in Florida. All I remember is a snake show and they asked for volunteers to allow a snake to be draped over their shoulders. You guessed it - my best friend and I volunteered. College students can do some crazy things, but I still can't believe I stepped up for that experience.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I can't remember if there was something that I said I would never do, and then I did do it... But, something I have never done is go sky diving. I don't think I would ever do that.
please enter me! booklovercb[at]yahoo[dot]com
Please enter me, this book looks fun!! Thanks. :)
Something I would NEVER do is own goats. No offense to anyone that has them, but I would NEVER own them myself. So far I haven't had to go back on that. (keepin' my fingers crossed. :D)
Something I said I would never do was to move out of Southern California. I did just that nine years ago and moved to North East Indiana.
Please enter me in your contest!
God Bless you!
Cindy Woolard
- or -
I always said that I would never move from California yet nine years ago I moved to North East Indiana and I am loving the snow!
Please enter me in your contest!
Thank you,
Cindy Woolard
I would love to go back to Japan someday. I lived there when I was very young.
I would love to be entered into your contest.
Thank you,
Cindy Woolard
something I said I'd never do was eat shrimp... my sister tricked me into eating some (she covered it up in melted cheese), and I've had shrimp since! :]
Something I said I would never do is speak up about breast cancer and it's effects on young women. Two television interviews later...God sure has a sence of humor.
Something I have never done is fly in an airplace or ride in a hot air balloon...maybe someday!
Hi, This sounds like a great giveaway!!!! I'd be thrilled to win :-)
I once said I'd never allow pets in my house. Then I got my black lab puppy Sophie..., and then followed my yellow lab Hudson. Now there's dog hair from TWO dogs all over the place, but I couldn't be happier. :-)
I have never traveled to Paris, France, and I want to do so some day. :-)
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
I said I'd never be a stay at home mom, but now I am and I LOVE it :-)
bethnaf at hotmail dot com
I've never bungee jumped, and that's okay with me.
bethnaf at hotmail dot com
kim said...
Something I said I would never do is speak up about breast cancer and it's effects on young women. Two television interviews later...God sure has a sence of humor.
Something I have never done is fly in an airplace or ride in a hot air balloon...maybe someday!
I said I'd never get married again, but I did and I've been married 21 yrs.
I'd love to win this book!
I've never been out of the country but would love to travel to far and distant places!
After my divorce in 86, I said I would never marry again but 3 yrs later I did and it lasted 2 yrs. We are still friends 19 yrs later.
I have never jumped from a plane and have no plans to do so. LOL
I loved your review and interview. I am from GA, but I don't talk texan..LOL but love to hear someone else speak texan. Thanks for a great giveaway.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
misskallie2000 said...
After my divorce in 86, I said I would never marry again but 3 yrs later I did and it lasted 2 yrs. We are still friends 19 yrs later.
I have never jumped from a plane and have no plans to do so. LOL
I loved your review and interview. I am from GA, but I don't talk texan..LOL but love to hear someone else speak texan. Thanks for a great giveaway.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
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