Do to some unseen problems this Interview has moved
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Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause some. I'm leaving this page posted because there are comments.
Click here to go to new page for this interview and giveaway.
Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause some. I'm leaving this page posted because there are comments.
I would love love love to be included in the giveaway. I am also a follower of your blog via google friend connect. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net
My question is something I wanted to ask on another recent post but maybe it was meant for this one: If an author has a lot of reviews of a book, should I bother leaving another one? A lot of times if an author has 30 I will decide not to, but I got to thinking recently that maybe I should.
I heard about this giveaway from Julie's Newsletter. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net
I live in GA. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net
I visited Julie's site and read the Journal Jots, which I think is something new. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net
I am already signed up for Julie's newsletter. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net
Oh, ADGE!!! Leave the review, PLEASE!!! It doesn't matter if the author has 3 reviews or 30 ... one bad review can bring an author's rating WAY down, which then discourages other readers from reading him/her, so LEAVE the review, especially if it is a 5-star!!!
Not only that, but if it is an author you like, the more reviews he/she has, the more attention she gets from readers/browsers (and the more their curiosity is piqued), which is what an author wants. That's why I am running my newsletter contest on posting reviews. As an edgier Christian romance novelist, I stir up a lot of controversy, and the 1-star reviewers would LOVE to see me go away, so if you don't want me to -- POST THOSE REVIEWS, please!! Uh, that is if they're good ones. If not ... never mind ... :)
ABI ... my "favorite holiday"??? I'm guessing you're going to think it's Christmas because I include so many Christmas scenes in my books, but I'm afraid you would be wrong. My favorite holiday is actually Easter because of the enormity of what Christ did for us on the cross -- the fresh realization reduces me to tears every Easter Sunday. Christmas is fun, but it is Easter that sears my heart with His amazing love!!
Thanks for having me here this week, Abi, and I can't wait to answer questions from one and all!!
No, my guess wasn't Christmas. I was thinking maybe Valentine's Day. guess I was wrong either way.
Thanks for visiting and answering questions. I'll get your answers posted as quickly as I can.
Loved this interview, Abi and Julie!
I've already won A Hope Undaunted, so you don't need to enter me into the contest. But I'd like to ask Julie a couple questions. Did you name Katie O'Connor after your sister, Kate? Also, have you tried that peach cobbler recipe that I sent you? ;-)
Smiles & Blessings,
I just read on Julie's website, that you can also win one of her other books for this contest, so please DO count me in!! Thank you!!
+1 I am a follower of this blog.
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
+1 I heard about this giveaway on Julie's website.
Thank you!
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
+1 I live in the central valley of California.
Thank you!
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
+2 I learned that Julie has a Technology and Romance KINDLE Giveaway! Plus a Facebook party and Book Bomb on October 7th!
Thank you!
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
+3 I am signed up for Julie's newsletter.
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
+3 I am signed up for Julie's newsletter.
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
I, Abi, am posting this for Jackie as she is having trouble. I'm trying to get the problem fixed it might be mine, but I'm not really computer savvy. I may have found the problem. But trying to fix it I may lose the post don't know what I'm doing. Any way here is Jackie's comment.
Ok, Abi....let's try again: my comment is:
What a great interview, Julie.....always love your interviews, and of course, your books. Please enter me for AHU. What is your favorite dessert?!?!
My question would be What is Your Favorite Dessert? (see above)
I will subscribe to you,Abi.
I heard about this on Julie's newsletter.
I live in a small town in Georgia; 90 miles east of Atlanta.
I love her website and visit often and love the journal jots.
I do get her newsletter.
I left a comment on Seekerville back in Aug. when she posted on it (11th I think)
Thanks again, Abi....hope this will get me entered!!
Thanks for answering my question Julie!
MICHELLE!!! You are one busy girl, I'll tell you that, between posting comments AND reviews for my newsletter contest (and, yes, you are winning so far ...:)), I can't keep up with you!!
Did I name Katie O'Connor after my sister Kate?? Yes, I did, actually, although Katie O. is NOTHING like my sister, Katie, who is one of the most loving, giving, kind people I know AND unlike her "Katie O'Connor-like sister (me!), reminds me of angel.
And, no, I have not had time to make the peach cobbler recipe yet (two trips this month, thousands of e-mails behind, a new book out and my Aunt Julie in and out of the hospital), I am WAY behind on everything, I'm afraid. But I will, I promise BECAUSE ... in answer to Jackie's question below ... peach cobbler and peach pie are my favorite desserts!!!
Thanks for coming by, Michelle, and YES, we need to get you all three DOB books signed, you hear???
ABI ... SO sorry about all the Blogger problems!!
JACKIE ... I am a sucker for peach pie and peach cobbler made with real peaches -- I practically moan when I eat it because it's SOOOO good!! :)
And you live close to Atlanta??? Did we talk about this in an e-mail once, I wonder? Because I am hoping to be in Atlanta next summer for the International Christian Retail Show and will probably have a book signing there and maybe at the big LifeWay close to Dacula. I would absolutely LOVE to meet you and give you a hug, girl!!! Thanks for coming by, Jackie, and for all of your incredible support.
ADGE ... you are more than welcome -- thank YOU for asking that very important question!
Wow! Abi & Julie what a cool interview! I learned so much more about you Julie! :o) I especially loved hearing about your sister, Kate. What a wonderful blessing to have a sister-friend relationship like that!
My question for you is: What age and stage were you when you first met Jesus and became a follower of Him?
Abi - I have subscribed (+1), following your blog (with my Google identity), I heard about this giveaway on Julie's FB page (+1), and I live in New Zealand, way down under! :o) (+1 & +5)
I would love to be entered in the draw.
Thanks Julie for your latest friendly communication - you alwaysde make my day! :D
God bless you both!!!
P.S. Signing out with my current identity & website.
This is cool. Keep the questions coming for Julie guys. I'll post them as soon as I can. You all are just awesome.
Oh, ELIZABETH ... are you sure you want to know that??? It's not pretty ...
I guarantee you, you wouldn’t have liked me back then. I was a 23-year-old hard-nosed agnostic from a devout but dysfunctional Catholic family of 13 kids. I was so angry at God that I actually used to say I wanted to burn Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms.
As a wild child of the 60s and 70s, I tried everything to be happy—from astrology and tarot cards … to transcendental meditation and witchcraft—you name it. My vocabulary would have made a sailor blush. Suffice it to say that I was pretty angry at God. According to the world’s standards, I had everything going for me—a hunky boyfriend with a Corvette and a boat, a great job, my own apartment (at a time when other friends still lived at home), and I was acing an advanced writing course at Washington U., a prestigious college in St. Louis. But I wasn’t happy. I felt a lot like Peggy Lee singing, “Is that all there is?”
Then one day, this annoying gal at work approached me. She had a lesser job than me, was divorced with a kid and no boyfriend in sight. I hated her because she came in humming every day, happy as a lark while I was utterly miserable. And then it happened—one life-altering moment when she and I were alone—I looked up from my typewriter and said, “Just what in the heck (except my language was a bit saltier back then) makes you so happy all the time?” She said, “I’ve been praying you would ask.”
Oh, no, a Jesus freak, I thought to myself, but I found myself going to lunch with her, badgering her with questions and accusations. I don’t remember now if it was weeks or months, but either way, I met Jesus Christ through the remarkable patience of a God-sent angel by the name of Joy—pretty appropriate name, eh?
Since then, my life has been a journey of “joy, because EVERYTHING with Jesus Christ at the center is pure joy—especially romance! My books are my love letters to a God whose love took me from the dark into His glorious light, and I hope and pray they bring Him the glory He so richly deserves.
Oh, ELIZABETH ... are you sure you want to know that??? It's not pretty ... I need to put this into two separate comments because it's so long, but here goes ...
I guarantee you, you wouldn’t have liked me back then. I was a 23-year-old hard-nosed agnostic from a devout but dysfunctional Catholic family of 13 kids. I was so angry at God that I actually used to say I wanted to burn Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms.
As a wild child of the 60s and 70s, I tried everything to be happy—from astrology and tarot cards … to transcendental meditation and witchcraft—you name it. My vocabulary would have made a sailor blush. Suffice it to say that I was pretty angry at God. According to the world’s standards, I had everything going for me—a hunky boyfriend with a Corvette and a boat, a great job, my own apartment (at a time when other friends still lived at home), and I was acing an advanced writing course at Washington U., a prestigious college in St. Louis. But I wasn’t happy. I felt a lot like Peggy Lee singing, “Is that all there is?”
(continued in next comment)
Then one day, this annoying gal at work approached me. She had a lesser job than me, was divorced with a kid and no boyfriend in sight. I hated her because she came in humming every day, happy as a lark while I was utterly miserable. And then it happened—one life-altering moment when she and I were alone—I looked up from my typewriter and said, “Just what in the heck (except my language was a bit saltier back then) makes you so happy all the time?” She said, “I’ve been praying you would ask.”
Oh, no, a Jesus freak, I thought to myself, but I found myself going to lunch with her, badgering her with questions and accusations. I don’t remember now if it was weeks or months, but either way, I met Jesus Christ through the remarkable patience of a God-sent angel by the name of Joy—pretty appropriate name, eh?
Since then, my life has been a journey of “joy, because EVERYTHING with Jesus Christ at the center is pure joy—especially romance! My books are my love letters to a God whose love took me from the dark into His glorious light, and I hope and pray they bring Him the glory He so richly deserves.
I heard about this giveaway through being a friend on facebook and i live in ephrata, pa. my email is emiller2@keystone.edu I actually have two questions. The first one is: In another interview, you said that you were turned down by like 47 publishers, How did you keep up the courage to take that leap again and settle with Bethany publishers? The second one is what made you decide to do the early 1900s as your background and chose Boston as the location?
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