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Thursday, December 16, 2010

on-line; on-going story....

The Craftie Ladies over at Craftie Ladies of Romance have crafted up a story going on for the Christmas season.  The title is 12 days of Christmas.  I don't know if it will go on for 12 Days or not but each day a different author is adding to the story plot.  Head over there and get started reading....sneak preview below....

Day 1 ~ Lenora Worth
Dear Daniel,

I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Just twelve days before the big day. And we should have our own new arrival any day now. I can't wait for little Seth to be born so I can tell him all about his wonderful daddy. This is already a special time where we celebrate the birth of Christ. But to you and me, darling, this is also the time when we fell in love. Remember the first day we met in the park....(visit here for the rest of the story)

Day 2 ~ Allie Pleiter 
Dear Daniel,
Seth kicked hard today--he must be trying to say hello across the miles!  Your mother sent Christmas presents, and in the packages were two fluffy stuffed birds to put in Seth’s crib as we wait his arrival.  How special it is to await the arrival of a baby during the Christmas season!
Your mother’s gift made me wonder if you ever told her the story of our “turtle doves.”... (visit here for the rest of the story)


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