Well, this is going to be my first book post. I have been reading four books for a reader's choice award. I was a judge. Anyway if you want to read my other books that I had to read for this contest you can check out my other blog as that is where I posted the reviews.

Return to Me by Robin Lee Hatcher @
Like Always by Robert Elmer @
The Other Daughter by Miralee Ferrell @
http://www.homesteadblogger.com/teaching4Him/94875/This judging contest has cerntainly gotten me into reading new authors. I was in a rut. You know those favorite ones. I totally enjoyed all four of the books. Hopefully, next year I'll get to do it again. Anyway my fourth book I had to read was Diva NashVegas by Rachel Hauck. This was her second NashVegas book so I had to read #1 before #2. However, after reading them I would have been ok to have read them out of order. Oh, well. Now for the books.
Book #1 (might as well start with book one of the series since I read it)

Will Robin ever conquer her fear(s)? Is her only fear stage fright? Or is there more to it? maybe it's just plain selfishness not fear at all. Then there is the questions of how many marriage proposals one girl can have in a year. I loved the
humor that Rachel has. I mean really, The Race is on: one supermarket, two shopping carts and four grown women - which team will reach the ice cream aisle first. Oh, yah, I forgot the 0ne man that one of the teams picked up along their race path. Then there was the
mystery aspect: Will they find out who it was that stole Robin's song? And then there was the mind boggling news about her momma.
I enjoyed this book's plot, setting and fell in love with the characters. Just one thing I wish that the author hadn't used all the slang in her book. Only draw back as far as I was concerned was her choice of words in places. You can read other reviews on this book @ CBD
The Diva queen of country music is found in this book. Oh, boy Rachel did it again as far as humor. I love it when authors mingle humor into the book. This series gets you into country music and all the lingo and people that go with it. Here again Rachel did use slang in her book and I'm not one on using slang, but it was a good read outside of that. I loved the scene with Aubery going on TV as a cook's assistant in an interview for the "Inside NashVegas News Magazine." You may read other reviews on this book @ CBD