In 2005, Ginger completed her first business book, Presentational Skills for the Next Generation. Soon after which, she established her publishing company, DocUmeant Publishing. She is an award winning publisher and internationally known designer. Ginger is the CEO and Founder of CALOMAR, LLC which is the parent company to three successful businesses, DocUmeant.net, DocUmeant Designs, and DocUmeant Publishing. In 2013 she was named by Covington Who’s Who as Entrepreneur of the Year and her design firm is among the Highest Rated firms at DesignFirms.org which lists over 20,000 designers, developers & marketing professionals. DocUmeant.net offers editing and writing services; DocUmeantDesigns.com, as you would guess, focuses on designs ranging from websites to book covers & layouts to buttons and business stationary needs; while DocUmeantPublishing.com’s focus was begun with the self-published author in mind. During her entrepreneurial career she has owned and operated a surgical clinic, a bar-b-que restaurant, and held several sales positions including that as a License Financial Advisor. This experience is what enables her to speak on various aspects of business ownership. Ginger is a member of DesignFirms, AAPS (Association of Authors and Publishers), IBPA (International Book Publishers Association), DBW (Digital Book World), and FAPA (Florida Authors and Publishers Association). In 2012 she was awarded VIP membership to Covington Who’s Who and her publishing company, DocUmeant Publishing, was awarded the 2012 New York Award in the Publishing Consultants & Services category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA). Currently she resides in Clearwater, Florida with her husband Philip who works beside her as her copy editor. You can visit her website at Ginger Marks' Books
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