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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sweet & Simple Moments with God Devotional by Kim Newlen


Sweet & Simple Moments with God Devotional is an excellent choice for those that want to start their busy day off with a moment of meditation.  The devotions in this book are just that:  sweet and simple.  They relate to women of all walks.  If you lead a busy, active life then this is just the book to help start your day off with God.  You will draw near to God and grow spiritually each day of the year as you read and meditate daily on each short devotional.  Newlen is a delightful writer and can relate to women in more ways than one.  The author writes from her experience and her heart. 

Visit this books page here for more information.

I copy of this book was provided in exchange for this review by...

Review For The Tyndale Blog Network


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* $25 Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Chance to win Amazon $100 GC

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* $100 Book Blast Giveaway *


Monday, July 28, 2014

Book Blast for "Jack the Boogey is My Real Name" by Davon Washington & Chase Washington

Mother Daughter Book Reviews is pleased to be coordinating a Book Blast for "Jack the Boogey is My Real Name" by Davon Washington & Chase Washington, a delightful bedtime picture book for children who are afraid of the dark.

Jack the Boogey is my Name by Davon Washington

About the Book

Title: Jack the Boogey is my Real Name: The Truth about "The Boogeyman" | Authors: Davon Washington & Chase Washington | Illustrator: Ana-Gabriela Stroe | Publication Date: January 1, 2014 | Publisher: Bedford House Books | Pages: 32 | Recommended Ages: 3 to 8 Summary: Have a child that's afraid of the dark? Are you a little curious about what happens when the lights go out? This delightful children's picture book will not only enhance the night time reading experience but bedtime in itself will never be the same. Jack The Boogey encourages kids to push through their fears, persevere and always do the right thing. One of the world's most feared creatures may have just become the most loved.  

Sneak Peek

Jack the Boogey - Inside Page - Davon Washington  


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Receive a FREE "Monster Repellent" Sticker with the purchase of "Jack the Boogey is my Real Name". Just click the image below for more information.

Monster Repellent Sticker Davon Washington

The Buzz

"I highly recommend this adorable tale to children who don't want to go to sleep at night because they are afraid the Boogeyman will get them! They just might discover that this isn't true. " ~ 5 Star Review, Amy G., Amazon

"My little one and I thoroughly enjoyed the story (he made me read it twice as soon as I took it out of the package and I had to distract him with Monsters University to get away to write a review), but the real treat to me was stashed in the cover blurb hidden away in the back of the book. It's written by Davon Washington and his son, Chase. Davon wanted to help young Chase understand how much work and effort went into providing the nice things he had, so he let Chase make this a project in which they could collaborate and Chase could get an idea of the value of hard work. To me, that's the best part of the story! " ~ 5 Star Review, Breeni B., Amazon

"I loved this book! The illustrations were such a big pull for me. It almost felt like watching a tv show in the sense that you are brought into the world of Jack the Boogey instead of trying to imagine the scariest non-monster possible. I do think that this is a great read for Young Readers because of the conflict and resolution. I enjoyed that Jack showed vulnerability (being upset over the children's misunderstanding that he was actually a helpful GOOD monster) and that it was OK to show emotion. This is a great lesson for all young readers. Sometimes when they see life lessons happening via forms of entertainment (books, movies, tv, et al) vs. just hearing about it from their parents, it sinks in a bit more." ~ 5 Star Review, LaToya, Amazon

About the Authors: Davon & Chase Washington

Davon WashingtonDavon Washington is an entertainment executive who was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Davon has made a career out of helping people bring their artistic dreams to fruition. The same people who more often than not do very little to enhance the tender minds of the culture that supports them. Creative thinking isn't a skill that you learn as an adult. It starts with that same imagination that we let run wild after we've mastered harder tasks like walking, talking and using the bathroom ourselves. It's Davon's mission to build a nation of creative thinkers one book at a time. Davon and his six-year old son, Chase collaborated to bring Jack the Boogey is My Real Name to life. This is their first book.  

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* $25 Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card  
Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice)  
Contest ends: August 12, 11:59 pm, 2014
 Open: Internationally  
How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.  
Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Davon Washington and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.


  MDBR Book Promotion Services


Thursday, July 17, 2014

This is my country....

well maybe not, but there are some really cool countries to learn about in Carole P. Roman's If you were me and Lived in...series.  I have four more countries that I reviewed:  Russia, India, Portugal and Australia.  It doesn't matter where you live; it is always interesting to learn about other cultures.  I have enjoyed getting to know more about other countries through Roman's books.  You not only learn about their way of life and interesting places to visit, but also learn how to say some words in their native tongue through these books.  Why not make this summer a learning summer and pick up some of Carole's books for this if you were me series. You can visit Carole's web site here.
Read Other views I've done one this series 1, 2.

About the Author:
Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of the If You Were Me and Lived in… series, which won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children’s Nonfiction in 2012. She collaborated on this installment in the series with her five-year-old grandson, Alexander. Roman also writes the Captain No Beard series, the first of which was named a Kirkus Best of 2012, received a Star of Remarkable Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award in 2012.

As children ages three to eight take a leisurely stroll around Russia, they will come across some of the country’s most recognizable sites, including the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and the Red Square. Learn about Russia’s yummy delicacies, like borscht and caviar, before playing popular Russian games like chess and “fipe”—a game children may know better as “tag”! Brimming with these and other fascinating facts, If You Were Me and Lived in…Russia is the perfect way to both entertain and educate your children about the great big world that exists outside their windows. From Russia’s festive New Year’s celebrations to popular Russian names, this charming addition to the If You Were Me and Lived in… family explains everything there is to know about one of the world’s most historic destinations.

Roman recognizes that children love to discover the differences and similarities of other people and places in far-off lands. In this series, she describes details that kids can relate to. Tailored to children from 3-to-8-years old, her writing is simple but does not talk down to youngsters. Among the topics that are introduced in this journey to Australia are the unusual indigenous animals, the extraordinary Great Barrier Reef, the currency, the beloved game of cricket and the national holiday, Australia Day, as well as the special nicknames people have for one another and the curious taste sensation, Vegemite.

Let's travel to India! Land of bright colors and delicious spices, If You Were Me and Lived in...India, takes young readers on a road trip to learn about this interesting place. Children will learn how to say mommy and daddy, what type of currency is used, games that youngsters play and a lot of interesting facts about the beautiful land of India. If You Were Me and Lived in...India adds this ethnically diverse country to the growing, award winning series that is out to cover the entire globe, teaching children about culture and customs all over the world. The ForeWord Review, Clarion Review gave "If You Were Me and Lived in...Kenya" a coveted five star ranking.

This pro active book invites children to think about Portugal's many wonders from the sunny Azores to the wide variety of food. Roman's If You Were Me books have a simple, winning formula: portray children from other countries and explain how familiar items and customs are the same, and how they differ, in the country being discussed.

A copy of these books were provided by the author and Bostick Communications for the purpose of this review.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

$25 Book Blast Giveaway: A Different Kind of Safari by Helen Hipp

A Different Kind of Safari Helen Hipp

About the Book

Title: A Different Kind of Safari
Author: Helen C. Hipp 
Publication Date: March 19, 2013  
Publisher: A Different Kind of Safari LLC 
Pages: 32 
Recommended Ages: 5 to 10  

Summary: What do you need to feel happy about being different? Based loosely on real life experiences, this heartwarming and powerful book illustrates how self-awareness, and courage help a young boy named Raymond learn the difference between seeing things as they appear to be and seeing things as they are. Feeling "different and lonely" Raymond befriends a hippo while on Safari in Africa. Unlike other grey hippos, this hippo is pink. Ray is soon carried into a world beyond labels and challenging assumptions. You will never guess what happens next!  

The Inspiration Behind the Story by Helen Hipp

A Different Kind of Safari inside page Inspired by real-life adventure, the story behind the story unfolded when I went on an African safari back in 2001. The trip was lead by my father whose dream was to share the safari experience with his family. Little did I know that this trip was going to incite me to write a children’s adventure book but it did. The storyline made it appearance when my family spotted a pod of hippos and one was pink! My son Ray fourteen at the time immediately named her “Rosie”. Curious and wanting to learn more about this hippo we asked the guide many questions about hippos and hippo behavior. Specifically I wanted to know why the pink hippo stood so far outside of her pod. The familiarity of the guides answer took me by surprise, he explained that “Rosie” was tolerated but not necessarily accepted by the herd because of her differences. As a parent of a child with special needs I immediately felt a strong affiliation with Rosie’s situation as did my son Ray who has experienced his own challenges with acceptance. Inspired, I decided to share the story with the world by weaving them into a children's adventure book that celebrates differences. The book is entitled “A Different Kind of Safari”. Find out what you can learn from Rosie the pink hippo, and how you can share those lessons with the children in your life.  

Book Trailer


The Buzz About the Book

"A timeless book, that will speak to everyone. To be enjoyed over and over again! A fun, yet very thought provoking story for all ages. If books had a satisfaction guarantee, this one would be on the top of the list. " ~ 5 Star Review, Adden B. Chrystie, Amazon

"A Different Kind of Safari is truly a different kind of children's book! The beautiful artwork bring a very special story to life and I am excited the book is now available in audio format for an added bonus while driving kids around town! I particularly love the message of the book, which teaches us to celebrate our unique differences through Rosie the Pink Hippo rather than allow them to keep us from exploring our potentials. I highly recommend this book to all parents and special needs educators in particular. Thank you for writing this wonderful story!" ~ 5 Star Review, missladyjane, Barnes and Noble

"I really enjoyed this book. The illustrations were beautiful. I found this book to be very interesting and it was written from real life experiences. A Different Kind of Safari draws you in along with Ray on his journey to find his happiness and the answers to his questions. I recommend this book to children that are of grade school age but yet many younger children may enjoy the illustrations." ~ 5 Star Review, Whittle House, Goodreads

"The book has a great story. The illustrations are amazing!!!!! Get this book! All children from the young to the old will love this book. " ~ 5 Star Review, Mel, Amazon

"A Different Kind of Safari is not only a good book, but a great story! It is not only for caregivers, teachers and parents, but for anyone who has ever felt out of place. A pink hippo named “Rosie” and her friend “Ray” take a journey and explore their similarities and differences on the river of life. Self- acceptance and the acceptance of others is exquisitely conveyed in a fresh, FUN way through this sweet tail. It is a prize for all libraries!" ~ 5 Star Review, Anna Wood, Barnes and Noble


Amazon (Hardcover) | Audible (Audiobook) | Barnes and Noble


About the Author: Helen C. Hipp

Helen C. Hipp, AuthorHelen Hipp’s experience raising a special needs child led her to an M.A. in clinical psychology and certification as a life coach. She began her career as a psychotherapist to help people find answers for their life problems. Her work eventually evolved into a coaching practice, WithinU Life Coaching, focusing on individuals with special needs and their families. Helen uses her 13+ years of counseling experience and 20+ years’ experience as a successful advocate for individuals with special needs by helping them reveal their innate ability to solve difficult situations. Her debut book " A Different Kind of Safari" puts into words the essence of Helen's teachings addressing the many questions life asks by offering up lighthearted, ever-changing perspectives that transform personal challenges into opportunities. For more information, visit the books official website and to see a picture of the real Rosie the real life pink hippo that inspired this story, go to www.adifferentkindofsafari.com

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


* Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card 
 Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice)
 Contest ends: August 6, 11:59 pm, 2014
 Open: Internationally  
How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.  
Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Helen Hipp and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.


  MDBR Book Promotion Services


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Maisy File Book Blast

Mother Daughter Book Reviews is pleased to be coordinating a Book Blast for the first book in The Maisy Files mystery chapter book series by Elizabeth Woodrum, "Maisy and the Missing Mice". Book 2 in the series, "Maisy and the Money Marauder" is coming August, 2014. If you haven't checked out Book 1, you can grab a copy for only 99 cents from Amazon!


About the Book

Maisy and the Missing MiceTitle: Maisy and the Missing Mice (The Maisy Files)
Author: Elizabeth Woodrum 
Publication Date: September 24, 2013 
Publisher: Independent 
Pages: 75 
Recommended Ages: 6 to 10  

Summary: Maisy Sawyer is not your average fourth grade student. She is a detective with a special skill for solving mysteries. She loves black and white mystery movies, cherry lollipops, and her dog, Reesie. When a thief known as The Black Boot steals the school's mascots and her lollipops, Maisy sets out to solve the case. Can she help return the mice to their home in the science lab? Will she ever see her beloved lollipops again? Find out in the first book in The Maisy Files series.      

Book Trailer



amazon buy button  

The Buzz About the Book

"Maisy and the Missing Mice is a fun chapter book featuring a smart and sassy tween girl as the title character; a solid and interesting plot featuring age-appropriate intrigue and suspense; and some terrific writing that carries the reader on a journey as a detective uncovering clues and solving the mystery of who stole the missing mice. I highly recommend this book as a read aloud book for children between the ages of 6 and 10 or for independent readers between the ages of 7 and 12 who love to read mysteries." ~ Renee, Mother Daughter Book Reviews
"Woodrum certainly knows her target audience and does a very nice job with the character development of Maisy. This is an incredibly kid-friendly story that makes a great introduction to the genre of mystery for newly independent readers. It's a quick page turning read that encourages kids to think outside of the box." ~ The Children's Book Review
"The delights from this book start with the cover art and continue with a fun story that is well-written." ~ 5 Star Review, R. Johnson, Amazon
"My name is Kat. I am 9 years old. I would rate this a five because I like everything about it, the mystery the most. It was fun to read. My favorite part was the mystery and the end. I love this book so much. I think other kids would love it too because it has mystery and most kids would like mystery books. Most mystery books have a good mystery. I would love to read the whole series." ~ 5 Star Review, Heather A., Amazon
"What an Amazing book. I totally love it. I admire the author dedication for writing an incredible book. While reading this book, it was very clear that author understand kids. I’ve always been an avid reader and this book is one of the best books I have read in 2014. This book grabs my attention from the very start of the book and couldn't put it aside till I finish it." ~ 5 Star Review, KristinT, Amazon
"I knew I would love this book simply because I knew it would remind me of the mystery books I read in my childhood. I really love how much trust the teachers and community as a whole put in Maisy. She is well deserving of their admiration as the way she finds clues and finds the mascot for the school is well thought out. This is a story any child would love to read. I hope Maisy continues to solve mysteries..." ~ 5 Star Review, Josh, Amazon

About the Author: Elizabeth Woodrum

Elizabeth Woodrum Elizabeth Woodrum[/caption] Elizabeth Woodrum is an elementary teacher in Ohio. She came to love writing when she was in elementary school, but more recently began writing material for use in her classroom. From that writing, grew the desire to write books for the general population of children and adults alike. The Maisy Files, a children's series, is the first series that she has published. As a reader, Elizabeth prefers the fantasy genre, but she enjoys realistic fiction as well. Some of her favorite authors include JK Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Rick Riordan, Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins, and Nicholas Sparks. Originally from Indiana, Elizabeth currently resides near Dayton, Ohio with her two pets: a cat named Butterscotch and a dog named Reese Cup.  

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Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest


* $25 Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card 
 Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice)
 Contest ends: August 7, 11:59 pm, 2014  
Open: Internationally  
How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.  
Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Elizabeth Woodrum and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.


  MDBR Book Promotion Services


Friday, July 4, 2014

Lucy the Dinosaur Series by Joey Ahlbum


Lucy the Dinosaur is a set of 15 books written by Joey Ahlbum. Moms and dads looking for the best kid’s picture book will love Frederator Books’ newest read along digital book!
Lucy is an explorer and a leader.  She has a natural curiosity about things because Lucy wants to learn.  Meet Lucy and her other dino friends as they learn, joke and skateboard!
Lucy is a larger than life dinosaur who loves adventures.  With Lucy in the lead, her loyal crew crawls, skates, and dances their way to learning.  Lucy’s curiosity holds no bounds—she counts, she hunts for treasure, she even puts on a play!  Veteran animator, Joey Ahlbum will charm kids with his friendly and dynamic art.  Fans of Dinosaur vs. Bedtime, Sandra Boynton & Mo Willems will love these cheerful read alongs.

I was sent ebooks of Lucy the dinosaur to review.   These books would make the best easy readers for new sprouting readers. They are short and very easy to read books.  Good for preschool-K, 1st graders.   Each book has a different theme from leaning to count, learning about opposites, even one about summer games and another about a day at the beach. Why not have loads of learning fun with Lucy the dinosaur and her friends this summer.   You can visit the web site here

 watch video trailers here

Visit the tour here


Joey Ahlbum is an animator and illustrator who has worked on classic shows Clifford’s Puppy Days and Elmo’s World, a Sesame Street production. He has been featured on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, MTV, Frederator, and PBS. He lives in Manhattan with his wife and daughter.

Pump Up Your Book


Thursday, July 3, 2014

More High Seas adventures

 with Captain No Beard and his gang.  I know I've posted about Carole P. Roman's pirate gang before (see post here); however, I was sent a few more books in the series.  They are just as good as the first batch that was sent.  If you have a pirate lover in your clan then they'll probably love these fun, imaginary tales on the high sea with Captain No Beard.  What a way to pass the summer then on the high seas or in Captain No Beard's case on the bed, couch, deck, or porch-maybe even under a tree or in a tent.  These stories are very adorable. Each book has a good lesson for kids to learn.  You may visit Carole's website here.

 Strangers on the High Seas
Captain No Beard and the crew of the Flying Dragon welcome a new crew member, when Cabin Girl Cayla joins the ship. Responsible for his little sister, Captain No Beard is not very happy because he finds his newest charge a distraction. When faced with danger, the captain must find a way to escape. While learning valuable lessons about strangers, the crew realized not to judge somebody because they are young or small. Strength comes in all sizes!

The Treasure of Snake Island
After a fierce battle with a storm, the crew goes in search of treasure. Alexander, that is, Captain No Beard uses a map to locate it on the ominous sounding Snake Island. Bravely they dig until they find the best treasure ever!

The Crew Goes Coconuts!
There is a storm brewing on the Flying Dragon, and it's not about the weather. When the crew finds themselves parched and not enough juice to go around, blame falls on Matie the goat, Hallie's friend. Divided, they square off, ready for a fight and Captain No Beard must teach his crew that not only is bullying wrong, they must learn to value and respect each and every member of the crew. Watch the crew of the Flying Dragon learn an important lesson about being a true friend.

A copy of these books were provided by the author and Bostick Communications for the purpose of this review.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Funny Aventures of Little Nani by Cinta Garcia de la Rosa

Book Synopsis:
Little Nani is a little girl who likes helping people. However, when she helps people the results can be a bit unexpected. Why is that? Little Nani is a witch! Or at least she wants to be a witch. With her magic wand, she will try to cast different spells to help her friends, but she won’t be successful all the time. Follow Little Nani in her funny adventures and meet her extraordinary friends. Funny ostriches, horses that love reading, super-fast turtles, grumpy zombies… Little Nani has lots of friends! You can also draw your own characters! Little Nani is willing to become a good witch. Will she manage to do it? Who knows? Read the stories and discover what happens next!

The Funny Adventures of Little Nani is an excellent read-aloud book.  I love the way the author keeps the reader engaged in the story, every two pages or so, she has sprinkled spots to stop reading and draw.  The person(s) listening must be paying attention to the story and imagining things. What a creative way to bring in some drawing.  I have found that kids like to draw while being read to. 

Here's an example of the draw time on p.  22
Draw a picture of Drofxo in his cave.  Draw him outside the cave, drinking a cup of coffee while enjoying the sunshine.  What is that?  Is that a turtle?  Draw the turtle too.  Maybe it's Thunder!
See this book tour here
Get more information about this book here

Author Bio:
Cinta Garcia de la Rosa is a Spanish writer who has loved the written word since she discovered she was able to read books at age 5. Since then, she has become a bookworm and reads around 100 books every year. She also writes, every day, compulsively, even in the middle of the night. You cannot control when inspiration hits you, can you? She writes in English because she is convinced that in a previous life she was British, so writing in English feels more natural to her than writing in her native language. Yes, she is crazy like that. Cinta Garcia is the author of “The Funny Adventures of Little Nani”, a collection of short stories for children, and “A Foreigner in London”, a short story published on Smashwords.

Pump Up Your Book


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Willie Out West by Rhonda Walker


Book Description

Young Willie Walrus leaves his ice home to travel on an adventure to Big West, where the town’s citizens desperately need help. Arriving to cheers, he quickly runs into Old Walter, the One-Eyed Whale. Colorful illustrations and action in Willie Out West takes readers to an old West town where the citizens expect Willie to save them. Can he?

Willie Out West is geared to young readers.  It takes some imagination to think that sea animals can live in the wild west outside of water.  3-5 year olds may like the story.  I'm not a big fan of ebooks yet, since I don't have a reader just a computer app.  Reading a book on the computer just doesn't do much for me.  Reading a book to a child on a computer is hard too.  I'm still a physical book fan.  kindles haven't won me over yet when it comes to reading them to children.  However, this book is very creative, imaginative and the young ones would probably fall in love with the animal characters.  The story line is good, being brave and standing up for what it right. 

click here for more information about this book

an ebook was provided by Thomas Nelson in exchange for my honest review

I review for BookLook Bloggers
