If you want a book that's going to help you get past yourself and think of others then this is the book for you. This book will help you see the need to know God better and serve Him more effectively if you put to practice all the things Kathi gives in the book. We as Christians need to get beyond our comfort zone: self and think of others. We need to intimately and wholeheartedly sell out to what God wants and not settle for mediocrity. God doesn't ask us if we are able just if we are available. He will then make us able if we make ourselves available. Kathi uses this book to call us to advance the cause of Christ and make our lives count. The You-first life isn't easy and not simple to say the least. Kathi encourages her readers to make a difference in the world around us. She gives insight on how to live You-first in a Me first world. She uses many scriptures to back up her views. Each chapter has making it personal questions to answer. This book could be good to us individually or in a group Bible study. Go ahead take the focus off of me and put it on OTHERS. John 3:30 - "He must increase, but I must decrease."
Be sure to visit back tomorrow as I will be hosting an interview with Kathi Macias about her book. It is part of...
Virtual Book Tours

Read Guest interview and a chance to win her book here.

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