You better put your combat boots on because prissy shoes won't do when you walk the road that author Linda Grabeman has walked. In her inspirational, devotional book No Prissy Shoes she shares her thought as she traveled the pink path of breast cancer. Grabeman helps the reader to see God and trust Him while walking taking the breast cancer journey. This subject is ever close to my heart as my mother has traveled this path in recent years. I will be passing this book on to her. She loves books of this type. Grabeman has her readers laughing one minute and crying the next. She helps provide the right shoes to make the trip bearable: Faith in God ~ and a sense of humor helps too.
Topics that you'll find in No Prissy Shoes are:
- God's love
- God's sovereignty
- forgiveness
- comfort, confidence and trust
- perseverance
- faith and fear
On the one hand, you know you are not alone: 700 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, nationwide. However, when you hear the words "You have breast cancer," you can’t help feeling isolated, lost, and afraid. This breast cancer journey is a scary, steep, uphill climb, and you can't make it in prissy shoes - the ones that worked well when your road was smooth and easy. Your mind races and your head spins from all the facts about your disease - facts that can change daily. The strength and grace needed to walk this journey come by spending time in the Word of God. No Prissy Shoes shows God's desire and delight for us to walk by faith, trusting Him to give us the shoes we need for the path He has prepared for us. Author Linda Grabeman shares her personal experience with breast cancer and directs readers back to the One who brings the strength to overcome.
During the past twenty five years, Linda Grabeman has been an encourager, intercessor, and Bible study leader at All Saints Church in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. In 2006, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then, she has had two mastectomies, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and reconstructive surgeries. Having walked the journey so many dread, God has given her a new platform from which to motivate women to walk this difficult road with faith. Encouraging women to trust God in all of their circumstances is Linda’s greatest joy. Passionate about the Word of God, she has taught a women's Bible study for years and regularly acts as a lay reader in her church. She is a member of the prayer team and the prayer chain, and has chaired the Angel ministry, which provides meals for recuperating patients. A lover of cooking, Linda co-chaired and edited Blessed Isle: Recipes from Pawleys Island, a cookbook from All Saints Church, which is in its second printing. She volunteers at her children's school, where she has been co-chair of the parents association, co-chair of the teachers’ appreciation committee and former class mother. She is a lifetime member of the Prince George Garden club. Linda is married to David Grabeman, a dentist in Pawleys Island, who has been part of a mission team to Haiti for the past twelve years. Linda grew up in Wilmington, Delaware. She graduated from The Tatnall School in Wilmington in 1972 and from Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia in 1976. She and her husband have two sons and a daughter, who are active in their respective schools. In her spare time, Linda enjoys power walking and gardening. visit the author's web site here
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