As teen girls explore what-next in life they need to know that doing right and serving God isn't all that Blah. Author Jenna Bishop has chosen to help teen girls see this fact in her book, from Blah to Awe. This book is very nicely set up and the girls can answer questions right in the book in the provided spaces. Bishop covers reasons why girls get bored with God and devotes some of the book to letting the reader see that God does care if they are bored. The author's goal is to shake up the readers faith a little bit. Bishop helps you see the why and how of boredom. Helps you get a grip on why you get bored with God and How to get unbored with Him. The goal is to guide the teen reader into a fuller and richer faith. Each chapter has a Going Deeper section as well as a Summing it up section. Though this book is designed for teen girls, young people, the message is good for anyone finding themselves bored with God.
View a preview of this book here.
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a copy of this book was provided by Thomas Nelson in exchange for my honest review

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